Hotel blizu Blejskega jezera

Slovenija ima samo en majhen otoček, čigar edinstvenost pa ga naredi veliko bolj zanimivega in privlačnega kot mnogo drugih otokov. V zavetju slikovitih gora, otoček kraljuje na sredini tega alpskega jezera. Njegov čar je simbol Bleda že stoletja. To je Blejsko jezero, le kratko vožnjo stran od Hotela Azul.

Hotel Azul se nahaja na popolni lokaciji, da obiščete Blejsko jezero.

Bled je prejel mnogo nagrad in priznanj in se je znašel v mnogih svetovnih vrhunskih seznamih (ang. WORLD'S TOP LISTS) s strani potovalnih portalov in revij (Top 10 fairytale destinations, Sport Tourism Town, Top 10 winter destinations,...)

Golf blizu Hotela Azul
Otoček blizu Hotela Azul

Na otočku na sredini jezera, the ancient Slavs worshiped Ziva, goddess of love and fertility. Pilgrims later came to the church of St Mary on the island. A thousand years ago, on 10 April 1004, the town of Bled was mentioned for the first time when the German emperor, Henry II, gifted it to the Bishop of Brixen. At that distant time, a Roman tower already stood at the top of the cliff 100 m above the lake, and it still forms part of the mighty castle that now houses a museum collection. The town flourished in the Middle Ages due to pilgrims, and these were replaced in the 19th century by the first tourists. The Swiss naturopath, Arnold Rikli, discovered that the gentle climate, lake and thermal waters are a source of good health and well-being. Local people complemented the health spa offer with guest houses and hotels.

Mesto, že v začetku 20. stoletja znano kot najlepše zdravilišče takratnega avstrijskega imperija,, attracted the European aristocratic elite. After WWII, one of the most attractive state residences of the former regime was located in Bled. Many of the world`s most important people thus enjoyed the beauties of Bled. And now, for decades, the pilgrims of the new age have been discovering this town. 

Hotel Azul
